2021 CRM Sales Trends

Two men looking at a computer

How do CRM sales trends impact you?

It’s finally time to pack up everything we’ve learned in 2020 and turn to face the new business techniques coming down the pipeline for 2021. Inline Data Systems is dedicated to continued updates and improvements that help our customers expand their business. As technology moves forward, we want to be sure that we follow suit with updating our systems with everything our CRM system can provide. In 2020, we saw more precise customer journey processes and hyper-personalization when it came to messaging. So, what might be next for the CRM industry?  

AI Integration and automation

Incorporating AI seems to be a large part of everything we do these days. From Google Assistant to Alexa, consumers want to streamline every process through the help of a secondary app or intelligence feature. This can be seen in many CRM updates as well. As AI becomes more and more prevalent in our society, this could mean automatic messages and more customer interactions with AI programs within CRM software. 

Internal Use of CRM Tools

Marketing teams have continually used CRMs as customer-facing platforms, but for 2021 we see the internal benefits of CRM software coming to light. Sales teams can utilize this information to better understand their customer base, management staff can better organize and strategize their teams, and it provides a more customized level of data collection that isn’t found anywhere else. 

User Experiences

As with any customer-focused software, it’s important to include features that make their overall experience with your business as smooth and as appealing as possible. In 2021, there could be an increase in features on CRM software. Live chat features, syncing customer data, automated knowledge management, and accessible, enriched data are all things users want to see more of in the coming year. 

CRM’s for Small Companies

You don’t have to be a large or even medium-sized company to benefit from using a CRM. As a matter of fact, you could be a one-man, two-man, or five-man operation and still need one in your business toolkit! To manage deadlines, client requests, specific details, and a large database, you can utilize a CRM to store this type of information without missing a beat in your operations process.  


Companies want powerful analytics tools to be able to showcase their data in an organized and efficient way. In 2021, this is no different, but now customers want to see these features in their CRM software. Having accurate data and an integrated system can be the make or break difference for a customer while going through their sales process. This is going to be an important part of CRM software moving into the future. 

Inline Data Systems is your CRM software resource. We continually make updates based on what our customers are saying and what their needs are in their industries. If you are one of Inline’s existing customers, you can always come to our customer support team with any questions or concerns you may have about your CRM capabilities.

Contact us if you would like to schedule a test drive with Inline today!